Sunday, 16/06/2024,

Bac Giang implements Plan to maintain and improve PAR Index, SIPAS, PAPI in 2024

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People's Committee of Bac Giang province has just issued Plan No. 87/KH-UBND to maintain and improve the Administrative Reform Index (PAR Index), Satisfaction Index of people and organizations with the service of state administrative agency (SIPAS), Public Administration and Governance Performance Index (PAPI) of Bac Giang province in 2024.
In 2024, the province strives for the PAR Index to continue to maintain to be among the top 10 provinces and cities in the country, SIPAS Index to reach over 90%, ranking in the top 20 provinces and cities in the country, SIPAS Index to reach over 90%, PAPI to continue to be in the "Highest" group in the country.

The plan aims to improve and overcome shortcomings and limitations in implementing the contents of the PAR Index, SIPAS Index, and PAPI Index in Bac Giang province in 2023. Maintain and enhance the contents achieving good results and scores. In 2024, the province strives for the PAR Index to continue to maintain to be among the top 10 provinces and cities in the country, SIPAS Index to reach over 90%, ranking in the top 20 provinces and cities in the country, SIPAS Index to reach over 90%, PAPI to continue to be in the "Highest" group in the country.

Accordingly, the Plan provides contents and solutions to maintain and improve the PAR Index and SIPAS index in 2024 in 8 areas: Administrative reform direction and administration; institutional reform; administrative procedure reform; reform of the administrative apparatus; reform of the civil service regime; public finance reform; building and developing electronic government and digital government; the impact of administrative reform on people, organizations and socio-economic development of the province. In particular, the goals for 2024 and the implementation responsibilities of agencies and localities in each field are set out.

In addition, the Plan provides content and solutions to maintain and improve the PAPI index in 2024, which sets out the goal of improving the operational efficiency of the government apparatus at all levels, striving for 2024 PAPI index to continue to rank in the "Highest" group in the country.

Regarding content and implementation solutions, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests agencies and localities to continue maintaining Content Indicators with good results. Among the 08 evaluation content indicators, there are 06 content indicators that need to be maintained, including: People's participation at the grassroots level; Openness and transparency in local decision-making; Accountability to the people; Control corruption in the public sector; Electronic Administration; Public administrative procedures.

Agencies and localities (especially the commune level, which is the level that directly and regularly contacts the people) strengthen propaganda to people in the area about local policies and online public service provision; well implement democratic regulations at the grassroots; promote the role of leaders in explaining, receiving citizens, resolving complaints and denunciations, and enhancing dialogue with the People; focus on controlling, preventing and combating corruption in the public sector; strengthen inspection and supervision of cadres, civil servants and public employees in the performance of public duties.

Regarding content indicators that need improvement, among the 08 content indicators evaluated, there are 02 content indicators that need to be improved in 2024, including: Public service provision; Environmental management. Agencies and localities are requested to implement their assigned tasks effectively based on their assigned tasks.