Monday, 10/06/2024,

Bac Giang launches 1st Robocon Contest in 2024

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On the afternoon of May 2, the People's Committee of Bac Giang province organized the launch of the first Robocon Contest in Bac Giang province in 2024 in the form of in person and online conference to 9 points of the Divisions of Education and Training of districts and the district-level town.

Attending the launching ceremony at Bac Giang High School for the Gifted were representatives of a number of provincial departments and sectors; representatives of leaders of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations; representatives of schools in Bac Giang city and numerous students of Bac Giang High School for the Gifted.

Overview of the launching of the first Robocon Contest in Bac Giang province in 2024.

The first Robocon Contest in Bac Giang province in 2024 was organized for teenagers studying and living in the province from 9 to 18 years old and divided into 3 groups: Group A for students in grades 3 to 5; Group B for students in grades 6 to 9; Group C for students from grades 10 to 12.

The contest would take place from April to September 2024 with a prize structure including a maximum of 3 first prizes, 6 second prizes, 9 third prizes and 12 consolation prizes. Total prize value would be up to 135 million VND.

Participating in the Contest, contestants would participate in 2 rounds, in which the qualifying round would take place online to select the 16 best teams of each group to enter the final round. Final round would take place as an offline competition to select and award prizes to the first, second, third, and consolation teams of each group.

Chairman of the Union of Science and Technology Associations of Ngo Chi Vinh province launches the contest.

Launching the contest, Chairman of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations Ngo Chi Vinh - Head of the Organizing Committee of the contest said that the Industrial Revolution 4.0 had been taking place in all countries around the world, affecting the most areas of social life. Terms such as robotics, artificial intelligence, AI, automation, etc. appear more and more in the mass media. These were tools promoting automation in production and life.

In that context, Bac Giang province was planned and oriented to develop into a key industrial province in a modern and sustainable direction, one of the industrial development centers of the Northern Midlands and Mountains region in the coming years. Therefore, training and preparing the province's human resources in the future was very necessary. The first Robocon Contest in Bac Giang province in 2024 was organized to create a new, intellectual playground, promote awareness and promote the pioneering role of youth in proactively getting acquainted and researching technology platforms, improving knowledge of programming, artificial intelligence, robotics, STEM education.

The Organizing Committee of the contest had prepared the best conditions in terms of financial mechanisms, expert solutions, selection of technical platforms, technology, resource support for programming, robot assembly equipment, etc to support contestants to participate in the contest smoothly. He hoped for the participation and supervision of all parties, contestants, and parents so that the contest would be truly transparent and fair for all participants.

He requested candidates, instructors, and parents to closely follow the progress of the contest, follow the schedule, and participate in full face-to-face and online training; make the most of technical guidance documents designed by experts into videos and slides posted to the contest's official pages.

 Delegates visit the product display booth of CBG STEM Club.

Speaking to direct and thoroughly grasp the contest in the education sector, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training Bach Dang Khoa - Deputy Head of the Contest Organizing Committee requested schools in the province to seriously implement documents on contest rules and instructions; develop a full plan to deploy the contest to teachers and students. Teachers shall actively support and create conditions for students to participate in the contest.

Here, the Contest Organizing Committee announced the contest rules; answer questions about the rules and guide candidates to register for the contest. At the same time, delegates visited the product display booth of CBG STEM Club and BG STEAM Club./.