Tuesday, 11/06/2024,

Bac Giang organizes Ao Dai Festival in 2022

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On the afternoon of April 26, the Provincial Women's Union in collaboration with the Department for the Advancement of Women and the Provincial Labor Confederation organized the 2022 Ao Dai Festival with the theme "Ao Dai - Vietnamese Cultural Heritage" and awarded the photo contest "Graceful Ao Dai for female union members and workers" in 2022 at the Convention Center of Bac Giang province.
Delegates take souvenir photos at the Ao Dai Festival in 2022

Attending the Ao Dai Festival were Comrade Nguyen Thi Kim Dung - Member of the Presidium - Head of the Propaganda Department of the Vietnam Women's Union; Nguyen Thi Nhung - Deputy Head of the Women's Work Department of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.


Delegates to the provincial leadership were Comrade Le Thi Thu Hong - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee - Chairman of the Provincial People's Council. Lam Thi Huong Thanh - Standing Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Council; members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; representatives of leaders of departments and branches of the province.


Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyen- Chairwoman of the Women's Union, Deputy Head of the Department for the Advancement of Women in the province delivered the opening speech.


Responding to Ao Dai Week in 2022 in the special spirit of women across the province to successfully celebrate the 13th National Women's Congress. With the attention and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the coordination and facilitation of the Provincial Committee of Women's Health and Safety, the special support of Ao Dai Designer Do Trinh Hoai Nam who has more than 30 years of experience with Ao Dai, there are many concerns to put images of typical heritages, typical of Vietnamese culture on the traditional ao dai. At the same time, with many collections of Ao Dai being performed at home and abroad, the Women's Union of Bac Giang province has actively coordinated to organize the Ao Dai Festival in 2022 to to affirm and honor the value of the traditional Vietnamese Ao Dai, to arouse pride and responsibility to preserve and promote the typical and unique cultural values of the Vietnamese Ao Dai, thereby promoting widespread propaganda of the good qualities of Vietnamese women "Confidence - Self-respect - Loyalty - Courage"; encourage and motivate women from all walks of life to constantly rise up in life and work, and to realize the gender equality goal.


The collection "Moc Ban" by designer Huyen Nguyen was performed at the Festival


Practically responding to the Ao Dai Week launched by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union, the Women's Union of Bac Giang province has realized it with specific activities such as mobilizing cadres and members simultaneously wear Ao Dai, compete in beautiful Ao Dai, propagate and promote the image of Ao Dai on the mass media.. Coordinate with the Provincial Labor Confederation to launch the photo contest "Graceful Ao Dai, female union members and workers"... thereby mobilizing a large number of women across the province to participate in response, creating a strong spread of beauty and the value of Ao Dai costumes.


Ao Dai designer Do Trinh Hoai Nam shares the journey of promoting Vietnamese Ao Dai to international friends


On the other hand, to better understand the history, meaning and beauty of the Vietnamese Ao Dai, Ao Dai designer Do Trinh Hoai Nam - who has the honor of designing Ao Dai for many heads of state and politicians, businessmen, celebrities who has many collections of Ao Dai at home and abroad, shared about his journey to promote Ao Dai culture during the past 30 years.

Presenting the Ao Dai collection "Dream" by designer Do Trinh Hoai Nam



Presenting the Ao Dai collection "Heritage Domain" by designer Do Trinh Hoai Nam


Here, the delegates were able to enjoy the performance of 3 collections of Ao Dai with the theme "Heritage Domain", "Wood Ban" and "Dream" by two Designers Do Trinh Hoai Nam and his heirs, Designer Huyen Nguyen – a daughter of Bac Giang. The collections with 45 Ao Dai models are inspired by the cultural heritages of Vietnam recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage, the products crystallized from the creative efforts of more than 100 artisans Embroidery, embroidery from traditional craft villages in Thuong Tin, My Duc, and Hang Bac in Hanoi have been done continuously for more than a year.

Delegates took souvenir photos with Designer Do Trinh Hoai Nam


In particular, the Ao Dai collection "Moc Ban" inspired by woodblocks of Buddhist scriptures stored at Vinh Nghiem pagoda, Yen Dung district, Bac Giang province has been recognized by UNESCO as a Documentary Heritage of the Memory Program. This is an impressive highlight to introduce the traditional cultural beauty of Bac Giang homeland through the designs of Ao Dai to domestic and international friends.


Along with that, the bright and cheerful colors of the Ao Dai designs in the "Dream" Collection express the message of the hope of a new life of peace, health, happiness, the belief of victory over the Covid-19 pandemic for everyone.


The Organizing Committee awarded a special prize to contestant Than Thi Hoa at the ceremony


Here, the Organizing Committee awarded the "Graceful Ao Dai female union member and laborer" photo contest in 2022 to the contestants with 1 special prize, 2 first prizes, 5 second prizes, 10 third prizes and 36 consolation prizes for individuals; awarded two sub-prizes to the individual whose photo work has won the most interactions and the unit with the most high-quality photos. Contestant Than Thi Hoa, a member of Ngoc Thien 2 Primary School (Tan Yen District Labor Federation) excellently won the special prize of the contest./.