Sunday, 16/06/2024,

Highlights of direction and administration documents of the Provincial People's Committee during the week (from April 28 - May 4, 2024)

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Strengthening management of occupational safety and hygiene (OSH) and proactively prevent and limit labor accidents and occupational diseases; continuing to innovate and improve the quality of social policies; proactively deploying disease prevention and control activities; maintaining and improving PAR Index, SIPAS, PAPI in 2024, etc. are the highlights of direction and administration documents of the Provincial People's Committee during the week from April 28 - May 4, 2024.
Strengthen OSH management and proactively prevent and limit labor accidents and occupational diseases.

Strengthen OSH management and proactively prevent and limit labor accidents and occupational diseases

On April 29, 2024, the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 2169/UBND-KGVX on strengthening the management of OSH and proactively preventing and limiting occupational accidents and disease.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to preside and coordinate with departments, sectors, units and People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city to continue strengthening OSH management; promote and diversify propaganda and dissemination of knowledge and laws on OSH. Coordinate with departments, divisions and sectors to organize inspections and tests of units and businesses on compliance with OSH legal regulations.

The Department of Construction requires investors, project management boards, and construction contractors of projects under construction in the province to regularly review work to ensure safety and overcome risks that cause lack of safety at construction sites. Implement well the labor safety management in construction works. Strengthen direction and inspection of the implementation of OSH for civil and industrial construction projects.

The Provincial Management Board of Industrial Zones directs businesses in industrial zones to use workers in jobs with strict OSH requirements to coordinate with grassroots trade unions to strengthen propaganda of OSH laws; implement measures to improve working conditions, protect workers' health, and reduce occupational accidents and diseases.

People's Committees of districts, the district-level town, and the city direct specialized agencies and People's Committees of communes, wards, and towns to grasp the operating situation of businesses, cooperatives, production and business establishments, and craft villages in the locality. Strengthen inspection and examination of compliance with OSH regulations of enterprises operating in fields with high risks of occupational accidents. Resolutely handle organizations and individuals that violate OSH regulations under local management.

Continue to innovate and improve the quality of social policies

On April 30, 2024, the Provincial People's Committee issued a Plan to implement Resolution No. 42-NQ/TW dated November 24, 2023 of the XIII Party Central Committee on continuing to innovate and improve the quality of social policies, meeting the requirements of the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland in the new period.

The plan sets the goal of ensuring that 100% of people with meritorious services and their families who have contributed to the revolution are fully cared for both materially and spiritually, and have a living standard of good average or higher compared to the standard of living of the residential community of residence. The unemployment rate in urban areas is below 2.35%. The rate of trained workers with degrees and certificates reaches 40 - 45%. 62% of the working-age workforce participates in social insurance and 50% of the working-age workforce participates in unemployment insurance. 60% of people after retirement age receive pension, monthly social insurance and social retirement benefits. 100% of temporary and dilapidated houses for poor and near-poor households is eliminated and 100% of families of meritorious people with housing difficulties and degraded houses that need to be repaired and newly built in 2024 are supported, etc.

Accordingly, units and localities strengthen propaganda and education to raise awareness about the particularly important role, perspectives, goals, tasks, and solutions of social policy in the new period. Improve capacity and efficiency of state management, promote decentralization in implementation. Promote administrative reform in the direction of ensuring openness, transparency, promoting accountability, and creating favorable conditions for people to access social policies.

Implement well the preferential policy for people with meritorious services to the revolution. Implement preferential policies for people with meritorious services to the revolution. Pay attention to the material and spiritual lives of people with meritorious services, especially people in ethnic minority and mountainous areas and people facing difficulties in life. Have priority policies in health care, housing, education and training, employment, production and create favorable conditions for people with meritorious services and their relatives to access social services.

Continue to synchronously deploy sustainable poverty reduction solutions in a multi-dimensional and inclusive direction, ensuring minimum living standards and basic social services. Support production development, diversify livelihoods, gradually increase income, and stabilize long-term life for poor households, near-poor households, people in remote areas, ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

Improve social welfare for all people, ensure that people have access to and enjoy basic social services. Innovate and improve the quality and efficiency of social service delivery. Improve the quality of employment services, social insurance, health care, education, social assistance and the system of service facilities to care for and nurture people with meritorious services to the revolution, orphans and elderly people, people with disabilities and no one to rely on.

Proactively deploy disease prevention and control activities

On May 3, 2024, the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 2225/UBND-KGVX on proactively implementing disease prevention and control activities.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city to promote propaganda to raise people's awareness of measures to prevent and control infectious diseases. Firmly grasp pandemic situation in the area, proactively and thoroughly handle emerging outbreaks, and prevent the pandemic from breaking out and spreading. Organize campaigns to clean the environment, kill larvae to prevent and control dengue fever. Strengthen inspection, supervision, and quickly remove difficulties in disease prevention and control in the area.

The Department of Health continues to closely monitor pandemic situation in the world, domestically and in the province; proactively analyze the situation, assess risks, advise and propose to the Provincial People's Committee to implement prevention measures appropriately and promptly. Strengthen the surveillance system, early detection and thorough handling of newly arising outbreaks, and take samples for testing to identify pathogens. Coordinate with sectors and localities to promote measures to prevent and control infectious diseases with high morbidity and mortality. Ensure adequate medicines, vaccines, biological products, supplies, chemicals, and medical equipment to meet the requirements for medical examination, treatment, and epidemic prevention and control.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development strengthens proactive monitoring, early detection and timely treatment of animal diseases, especially avian flu, rabies, anthrax, etc. Regularly share information with the medical sector to deploy measures to prevent infection to humans. Implement good management of dogs and cats and vaccinate livestock, poultry and pets.

The Department of Education and Training organizes and implements disease prevention and control activities at educational establishments, especially preschools, and kindergartens. Strengthen school communication about disease prevention and vaccination. Well carry out school health work, promptly detect suspected cases of infectious diseases, and immediately notify local medical facilities for timely coordination and handling.

Maintain and improve PAR Index, SIPAS, PAPI in 2024

On May 3rd, 2024, People's Committee of Bac Giang province issued Plan No. 87/KH-UBND to maintain and improve the Administrative Reform Index (PAR Index), Satisfaction Index of people and organizations with the service of state administrative agency (SIPAS), Public Administration and Governance Performance Index (PAPI) of Bac Giang province in 2024.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests agencies and localities to continue maintaining Content Indicators with good results. Among the 08 evaluation content indicators, there are 06 content indicators that need to be maintained, including: People's participation at the grassroots level; Openness and transparency in local decision-making; Accountability to the people; Control corruption in the public sector; Electronic Administration; Public administrative procedures.

Agencies and localities (especially the commune level, which is the level that directly and regularly contacts the people) strengthen propaganda to people in the area about local policies and online public service provision; well implement democratic regulations at the grassroots; promote the role of leaders in explaining, receiving citizens, resolving complaints and denunciations, and enhancing dialogue with the People; focus on controlling, preventing and combating corruption in the public sector; strengthen inspection and supervision of cadres, civil servants and public employees in the performance of public duties.

Regarding content indicators that need improvement, among the 08 content indicators evaluated, there are 02 content indicators that need to be improved in 2024, including: Public service provision; Environmental management. Agencies and localities are requested to implement their assigned tasks effectively based on their assigned tasks.