Monday, 17/06/2024,

Highlights of direction and administration documents of the Provincial People's Committee during the week (from May 4 - May 12, 2024)

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Strengthening measures to prevent and control rabies in humans; strengthening the implementation of the "Peak Phase" to mobilize people to participate in voluntary social insurance; strengthening the management of urban decorative lighting, etc. are the guiding and operating documents of the Provincial People's Committee from May 4 - May 12, 2024.
Strengthen the assurance of safety of irrigation works and dykes, and prevent natural disasters during rainy and flood seasons.

Strengthen measures to prevent and control rabies in humans

On May 4, 2024, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 2247/UBND-KGVX on strengthening measures to prevent and control rabies in humans.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Department of Health to strengthen propaganda to prevent and control rabies in humans. Organize training on expertise, indications, and vaccination techniques and anti-rabies serum for medical staff; skills in investigation, monitoring, diagnosis, and outbreak handling. Direct vaccination facilities to fully prepare vaccines and anti-rabies serum to serve the needs of people in the area. Organize timely vaccination and prophylactic treatment of rabies for people bitten by animals. Inspect and supervise the implementation of rabies vaccination and anti-rabies serum for humans.

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development organizes extensive communication on dog and cat management and rabies prevention and control measures; the responsibility to have pets, dogs and cats, fully and periodically vaccinated against rabies. Coordinate with localities to accelerate rabies vaccination progress for dogs and cats across the province, ensuring the vaccination rate in 2024 to reach 100%. Organize inspection, urge and guide rabies prevention and control in localities with high risk of rabies and localities with low rabies vaccination rates for dogs and cats.

People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city direct and speed up rabies vaccination for dogs and cats. Promote monitoring, warning and application of rabies prevention and control measures. Early detect rabies or suspected rabies outbreaks in animals to take timely treatment measures to prevent rabies from spreading to humans. Strengthen propaganda, raise awareness and responsibility of dog and cat owners to the community. When detecting dogs or cats with symptoms of suspected rabies, they must immediately report to local authorities and veterinary agencies to promptly handle rabies outbreaks. Strengthen strict handling of cases of violation of legal regulations in raising and managing dogs and cats leading to serious consequences.

Strengthen the management of urban decorative lighting

On May 6, 2024, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 2261/UBND-KTN on strengthening the management of urban decorative lighting in Bac Giang province.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city to promote propaganda and guide organizations and individuals on decorative lighting in urban areas to ensure savings and efficiency. Urban decorative lighting must be suitable for each street, the main roads and urban landscape axes need to have a synchronous design and a unified theme. Organizations and people are encouraged to invest in the construction of urban decorative lighting but must use economical technology and equipment for the right purpose, and safety.

For areas of main urban landscape routes, central areas, squares, locations that are urban gateways, etc. the district People's Committee develops an annual plan, prioritizes capital allocation or calling for from socialized capital sources to invest in, maintain and operate urban lighting systems and urban decorative lighting. Gradually invest in smart decorative lighting to reduce energy, improve lighting quality, ensure traffic safety, urban aesthetics and have the ability to synchronously connect for management, monitoring and remote control.

For decorative lighting systems on overpasses, welcome gates, underpasses, underpasses, lighting is arranged horizontally overhead. On traffic routes, it is necessary to reduce light according to traffic or demand to reduce energy consumption and minimize light pollution at night, affecting human health. Decorative lighting areas for advertising signs must comply with advertising licensing regulations under the Advertising Law. Lighting of outdoor advertising media is suitable for the illuminated area, ensuring safety, fire and explosion prevention, and must not affect traffic and other urban activities.

For projects in urban areas, residential areas, and housing in urban areas, urban decorative lighting complies with the lighting content specified in the general urban planning and detailed construction planning.

Strengthen the implementation of the "Peak Phase" to mobilize people to participate in voluntary social insurance

On May 7, 2024, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 2292/KGVX on strengthening the implementation of the "Peak phase" of mobilizing people to participate in voluntary social insurance in 2024.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests members of the Provincial Steering Committee to continue to closely follow their assigned areas, especially localities with low achievement rates to focus on direction. Regularly maintain contact with the Head of the Steering Committee for implementing district-level social insurance and health insurance policies to grasp implementation progress, coordinate with standing agencies to urge, direct and guide implementation to ensure completion of the "Peak Phase" target in 2024.

Provincial Social Insurance Department directs the social insurance agencies of districts, the district-level town and the city to develop a working plan with the Steering Committee for implementing social insurance and health insurance policies at the commune level, focus on localities with low rates and not yet developing the participation in new voluntary social insurance to grasp the situation, evaluate the causes, urge, support and guide implementation. Timely resolve difficulties and problems for establishments, promptly ensure benefits for participants in voluntary social insurance according to regulations.

The collection service organization (Provincial Post Office) directs Post Offices of districts, the district-level town, and the city to concentrate all resources and human resources to proactively coordinate with Social Security of districts, the district-level town, and the city, and specialized departments and divisions. At the district level, the People's Committees of communes, wards and towns direct social insurance collection staff to review and compile a list of potential beneficiaries by area to focus on propaganda and advocacy.

People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city continue to seriously implement the instructions in Plan No. 66/KH-UBND dated March 22, 2024 of the Provincial People's Committee on implementing the "Peak Phase" to mobilize people to participate in voluntary social insurance in 2024 to complete the proposed plan. Members of the Steering Committee for implementing district-level social insurance and health insurance policies closely follow their assigned areas, especially communes, wards and towns with low rates or no results to focus on directing and grasping the deployment rate; coordinate with standing agencies to urge, direct and guide implementation to ensure completion of the "Peak Phase" target. The Steering Committee of communes, wards and towns achieving low results and having no participants in voluntary social insurance during the "Peak Phase" organize to evaluate implementation progress, analyze causes, and propose drastic solutions to complete the target "Peak Phase".

Ensure the safety of irrigation works and dykes, prevent natural disasters during rainy and flood seasons

On May 9, 2024, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 2341/UBND-KTN on strengthening the assurance of the safety of irrigation works, dykes, and preventing natural disasters in the rainy and flood season of 2024.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city to strictly implement regulations in Decree No. 114/2018/ND-CP dated September 4, 2018 of the Government on safety management of dams and reservoirs. Proactively allocate funds to implement dam and reservoir operation procedures. Proactively develop natural disaster response plans for each dam and reservoir and submit to competent authorities for approval according to regulations.

Strengthen inspection and assessment of the current status of irrigation systems and dykes, detect damage and unfavorable factors that threaten project safety. Develop plans to ensure project safety, especially key locations and areas according to the "4 on-site" motto. Closely coordinate with military forces stationed in the area to prepare dyke protection and protect works according to the approved plan.

People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city with dykes  strengthen awareness, guide, inspect and supervise wards and communes along dykes to organize forces and strictly implement patrolling, guarding and protecting dykes in the area during flood season to handle promptly when dyke problems occur. Organize rehearsals of dike protection plans, check the preparation of materials, forces, vehicles, techniques, command and two-way information to promptly supplement shortcomings and problems; professional training for forces participating in dike protection, especially military forces stationed in the area.

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinates with the Provincial Irrigation Works Exploitation Company Limited to carry out safety assessments of dams and reservoirs. Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies and units to guide and inspect the implementation to ensure safety of irrigation works and dykes before the rainy and flood seasons./.