Tuesday, 11/06/2024,

Highlights of direction and administration of Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee of the week (from April 15 - April 21, 2024)

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Strengthening state management, restructuring state-owned enterprises; improving the quality of operations of One-Stop shops at all levels; ensuring traffic order and safety during the holiday April 30 - May 1 and the 2024 summer tourism peak, etc are the highlights of direction and administration of Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee of the week from April 15 - April 21, 2024.
Ensure traffic order and safety to serve travel needs of the People during the holiday April 30 - May 1 and the 2024 summer tourism peak.

Strengthen state management and restructure state-owned enterprises

On April 15, 2024, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan The Tuan signed Official Dispatch No. 1900/UBND-KTTH on strengthening State management and restructuring state-owned enterprises in Bac Giang province.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests relevant departments, agencies and units, based on their assigned functions and tasks according to current regulations and documents of the Central Government, the Provincial People's Committee, and the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to focus on directing the strict implementation of State management tasks and restructuring State-owned enterprises. Enhance responsibility, especially leaders, in implementing the Party's guidelines, State policies and laws, approved plans for restructuring and innovating State-owned enterprises, especially equitization and divestment of state capital in enterprises, ensuring publicity and transparency in implementation.

Strengthen supervision and inspection according to regulations on the implementation of state-owned enterprises in land management, land use, investment, labor. Prevent, detect and strictly handle illegal, negative, corrupt and wasteful acts in State-owned enterprises. Manage and strictly supervise the mobilization and use of capital by enterprises with state capital.

Regularly direct, inspect and supervise the implementation of approved State capital arrangement and divestment plans. Enhance the responsibility of organizations and individuals representing State owners in implementing approved plans and plans to restructure and innovate State-owned enterprises, especially conversion and divestment of State capital at enterprises to ensure openness and transparency in implementation.

Supervise production and business activities of enterprises, orient the development of enterprises according to the socialist-oriented market mechanism; preserve and develop State capital in enterprises; ensure jobs and workers' regimes and policies; contribute to the State budget according to regulations.

Ensure traffic safety during the holiday April 30 - May 1 and the 2024 summer tourist peak

On April 16, 2014, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le O Pich signed Official Dispatch No. 1910/UBND-KTN on strengthening the assurance of traffic order and safety to serve the travel needs of people during the holiday April 30 - May 1 and the 2024 summer tourist peak.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Provincial Police to direct the Police at all levels to strengthen patrols, control, and strictly handle violations of traffic safety regulations on roads, railways, waterways, and violators of regulations on alcohol and drug levels, overloading and carrying more than the prescribed number of people; transport business vehicles violating regulations on technical safety and environmental protection. Proactively prevent, stop and strictly handle acts of gathering disrupting public order and illegal racing. Resolutely handle and suppress those committing acts against officials on duty. Have a plan to regulate and properly divide traffic flow, guide safe and smooth circulation, especially on roads and areas being forecast to have increased traffic volume during the holiday of April 30 - May 1 and peak summer tourism in 2024.

The Department of Transport directs transport business units to develop transport organization plans to meet people's travel needs, ensure traffic safety, and reduce traffic congestion. Renovate and ensure safety conditions of traffic infrastructure; promptly overcome problems with traffic infrastructure, urgently urge and direct the completion of upgrading and repairing key traffic routes, especially main traffic routes and important traffic hubs in and out of city areas, industrial zones and areas that attract many tourists. Urgently urge and direct the handling of newly arising black spots and potential traffic accident spots. Review and supplement the signaling system and signage to ensure easy recognition and create convenience for traffic participants. Inspect the implementation of regulations on ensuring traffic safety for transport business activities, and strictly handle violations.

Chairman of the People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city direct agencies, units and functional forces to strengthen propaganda and mobilize people to strictly comply with the provisions of law on traffic safety and order; have strict control solutions and plans to organize safe and smooth traffic, and at the same time guide and support people to participate in traffic safely. Try best to avoid particularly serious traffic accidents. Take full responsibility before the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for ensuring traffic safety in the area.

Deploy electronic invoices initiated from cash registers

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan The Tuan signed Official Dispatch No. 1902/UBND-KTTH dated April 16, 2024 on the implementation of electronic invoices (e-invoices) initiated from cash registers in the province.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Provincial Tax Department to preside and organize the use of e-invoices initiated from cash registers according to the provisions of law and direction of the Ministry of Finance to each enterprise, individual business household in the area. Proactively and closely coordinate with functional agencies to propose and advise the Provincial People's Committee on effective implementation solutions. Develop and promulgate an implementation plan, focus on propaganda and dissemination of regulations as well as the benefits of using e-invoices initiated from cash registers to businesses and individual households doing business by using e-invoices by appropriate and effective forms for taxpayers to understand, agree with and implement.

Focus on reviewing businesses and individual business households in the area that use e-invoices with tax authority codes initiated from cash registers according to regulations to deploy and ensure the correct roadmap. Guide and urge cases that are subject to implementation but have not yet used cash registers or sales management software to connect e-invoice data initiated from the cash register.

Provincial State Bank continues to direct commercial banks and credit institutions to promote the implementation of non-cash payments in the province. Expand the form of electronic tax payment at commercial banks in a convenient way, suitable for each user, especially for business households and individuals. Coordinate with the Department of Taxation to direct and guide commercial banks to provide information to tax authorities for banking transactions of relevant organizations and individuals in the province.

Department of Finance, Department of Industry and Trade, Provincial Police, Provincial Market Management Department coordinate with tax authorities to increase information exchange to serve tax management. Propose solutions to prevent state budget revenue loss, focusing on the non-state economic sector, areas of goods business and retail services directly to consumers that rarely take bill. Closely coordinate with the Provincial Tax Department to strengthen tax management and the use of e-invoices initiated from cash registers of businesses and individual business households subject to application according to regulations. Promote inspection and handling of violations in cases of selling goods and services without issuing invoices to consumers in accordance with tax laws.

Improve the quality of operations of One-Stop shops at all levels

On April 17, 2024, Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Mai Son signed Official Dispatch No. 1942/UBND-NC on improving the quality of operations of the One-Stop shops at all levels.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests heads of departments, agencies, units, People's Committees of districts, the district-level town, the city, People's Committees of communes, wards and towns to pay close attention and drastic direction for the activities of the Provincial Public Administration Center, One-Stop shops of districts and communes. Focus on improving the quality of service for people and businesses. Strengthen discipline and administrative discipline in performing public duties. Strictly implement the Code of Conduct of people working at the One-Stop shops at all levels in the province.

Pay attention to consolidating and investing in equipment and facilities to ensure the operation of the Provincial Public Administration Center, One-Stop shops of districts and communes. Arrange the One-Stop shops to ensure science and neatness and complete the implementation of the Brand Identity of One-Stop shops at all levels.

Departments and agencies review and update newly issued, amended, supplemented, and abolished administrative procedures in decisions announcing the list of administrative procedures in QR codes that have been built within the scope and management functions to publicly list according to regulations and transfer to district-level People's Committees and commune-level People's Committees for public listing to ensure that administrative procedures are fully and regularly updated when there are changes.

Accelerate the process of digitizing records and results of resolving administrative procedures. Attach digital responsibility to the process of performing tasks, receiving and resolving administrative procedures of all officials, civil servants and public employees. Enhance the reuse of digital data to simplify administrative procedures and public services for the people as well as increase the labor productivity of civil servants.

Continue to promote the provision of online public services for individuals and organizations. Actively propagate to people and businesses about online public services. Continue to effectively apply the Information System for resolving administrative procedures and the Public Service Portal in receiving and resolving administrative procedures at the Provincial Public Administration Center and One-Stop shops of districts and communes. Rectify and strictly handle agencies, units, and civil servants with harassing and negative behavior, giving rise to additional administrative procedures, records, papers, and requests for conditions that do not comply with regulations or repeatedly causing situations to regularly delay in receiving and resolving administrative procedures according to regulations.

Manage and protect unexploited minerals and implement mineral exploitation projects

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le O Pich signed Official Dispatch No. 1997/UBND-KTN dated April 19, 2024 requesting departments, sectors, units and localities in the province to organize the management and protection of unexploited minerals and implement mineral exploitation projects in the province.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to urgently review and advise the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to direct the resolution of problems in site clearance and land lease for mineral activities, cases of slow implementation of basic mine construction, problems in land lease extension, etc. to speed up site clearance, promptly remove and guide licensed units to complete land lease procedures. Supplement and extend the land lease period to put mineral exploitation projects in the province into practice to ensure compliance with legal regulations on land, minerals, investment and other relevant laws.

Strengthen inspection of the implementation of laws on land minerals, environmental protection and other relevant laws for mineral exploration and exploitation projects in the province. Strictly handle shortcomings and violations according to regulations.

Guide and request organizations and individuals (mineral activities, land use) to organize the management and protection of unexploited minerals according to regulations. Carry out the responsibility to store and protect minerals that have been exploited but have not been used; minerals at the disposal site or accompanying minerals that have not been recovered during the mining process; unexploited minerals in the land area currently in use.

People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city organize the management and protection of unexploited minerals in the area according to the provisions of law. Resolutely prevent and handle cases of advertising and using mineral water and hot water without being licensed by a competent state management agency.

Organizations and individuals licensed to mine minerals shall exploit minerals in accordance with the content of the issued mineral exploitation license and mine design approved by competent authorities according to regulations.

Strengthen propaganda to raise workers' sense of safety autonomy. Review all construction methods, working procedures, and safety regulations to adjust and supplement to ensure compliance with legal regulations and in accordance with the actual construction conditions of the unit.

Continue to well collect and treat waste

On April 19, 2024, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le O Pich signed Official Dispatch No. 2002/UBND-KTN requesting departments, sectors, units and localities in the province to continue to do well in garbage collection and waste treatment in the province.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests to speed up the progress of completing investment and construction of centralized waste treatment areas in Viet Yen district-level town and Yen Dung district; treatment of residual waste at Voi town treatment area, Lang Giang district and Doi Ngo town treatment area, Luc Nam district to be completed in April 2024.

Hiep Hoa district focuses on speeding up the construction progress of the centralized waste treatment plant in Dong Lo commune, starting construction in July 2024. Bac Giang city focuses on accelerating the construction progress of a centralized waste treatment plant in Da Mai ward, starting construction in June 2024.

Inspect and urge waste collection, transportation and treatment activities in communes, wards and towns. Strictly handle violations, ensure that there are no longer places where illegal waste remains. Determine and promote service price collection in the area.

Strengthen propaganda, dissemination and implementation of current legal regulations on environmental protection, regulations and projects of the province on collection, classification and treatment of household waste to create positive changes in awareness and sense of responsibility of organizations, individuals and all people.

Relevant departments and agencies, based on their assigned state management functions, continue to regularly urge, guide and remove difficulties during the implementation process. Prioritize early resolution of waste collection and treatment tasks when proposed by districts, the city and the district-level town./.