Tuesday, 11/06/2024,

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh: Drastically implement "3 strengthen", "5 step up" in digital transformation

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On the morning of April 24, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Chairman of the National Committee on Digital Transformation (DT), chaired the 8th meeting of the National Committee on DT to evaluate DT and digital economic development tasks and solutions in the remaining months of 2024. The meeting was connected online to meeting points of ministries, sectors and localities nationwide.

Attending the meeting were Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang - Standing Vice Chairman of the National Committee for DT; representative leaders of ministries, sectors and central agencies.

At the Bac Giang bridge, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Standing Deputy Head of the Steering Committee of DT Mai Son chaired the conference. Attending the conference were leaders of a number of departments, sectors and units of the province.

Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, Standing Deputy Head of the Steering Committee of DT Mai Son chaired the meeting at the Bac Giang province bridge.

According to reports at the meeting, recently, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Government Office, the Ministry of Public Security and other ministries, sectors and localities had actively implemented the tasks of the Government and the Prime Minister on DT. To date, 21 ministries, sectors and 62 localities had issued the 2024 Community Plan; 14 ministries, sectors and 52 localities had issued database list. The National Population Database had been connected to 18 ministries, sectors, 63 provinces, cities and 4 businesses; successfully synchronized over 268 million people's information, etc.

By the end of the first quarter of 2024, the whole country had 13.2 million user accounts on the National Public Service Portal. There were more than 4,500/6,317 integrated online public services provided on the National Public Service Portal, accounting for about 71.2%.

Regarding digital infrastructure development, the Ministry of Information and Communications had completed the auction of radio frequency use rights for 5G deployment bands; licensed 5G service business, developed 5G mobile networks and provided commercial 5G services.

Data center infrastructure and cloud computing continued to receive investment attention. By the end of the first quarter, the whole country had 13 businesses providing data center services, 46 data centers, of which Viettel's center, newly built in the first quarter of this year, was the largest data center in the country.

According to estimated data, the proportion of digital economy to GDP reached 16.5%, of which the proportion of core ICT digital economy accounted for more than 60%. Information technology industry revenue was estimated at about 138.5 billion USD, decreasing by 4.46% compared to 2022. The number of operating information technology businesses was estimated at about 45,500 businesses, basically unchanged compared to the previous year.

Regarding digital society development, to date the Ministry of Public Security had issued over 86 million chip-embedded ID cards; received over 74.85 million electronic identification records, activated over 53.62 million electronic identification accounts for people. Also in the first quarter of this year, the VNeID personal identification application integrated 8 utility services with 29.3 million app visits.

Non-cash payments continued to be promoted. The proportion of adults with payment accounts at banks reached over 77% of Vietnamese adults. 100% of medical examination and treatment facilities and training facilities paid non-monetary services and tuition fees. About 64% of people received social insurance and unemployment benefits in urban areas through personal accounts.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Pham Duc Long speaks at the meeting. (Photo: VNA).

In Bac Giang, the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council and People's Committee always identified community development as one of the key tasks of the province. The Provincial People's Committee provided thorough, flexible and comprehensive direction to accelerate the DT reform process and achieved many outstanding results. Accordingly, Bac Giang province for the 4th consecutive time led the country in the component index "Build and develop e-Government, Digital Government" in 2023.

Technical infrastructure of the Provincial Data Integration Center and the Provincial Public Administration Service Center continued to operate and maintain stable operations. Receiving and returning departments at all levels regularly updated and publicly posted newly issued administrative procedures; well performed the supervision, monitoring, and urging of the reception and return of administrative procedure results at all levels and sectors. The security camera system and traffic cameras throughout the province operated effectively, serving the assurance of security and order in the area.

Platform systems and shared information systems of the province such as the Provincial Intelligent Operation Center (IOC), Provincial Digital Data Warehouse, Provincial Data Sharing Integration and Platform, System of the Provincial Portal, Provincial Electronic Official Gazette, Provincial Administrative Procedures Resolution System, etc. were invested and upgraded to operate effectively and stably, in accordance with the Government's direction and real needs of the locality; connected from province to commune.

Digital economic development and ICT industrial production in Bac Giang province continued to recover strongly. In the first quarter of 2024, most businesses operated stably in terms of production scale, notably the electronics, computer and optical products manufacturing industries of large enterprises. Industrial production value reached 58,133 billion VND, an increase of 21,508 billion VND (increasing by 58.7%) over the same period.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Chairman of the National Committee for DT, concludes the meeting. (Photo: baochinhphu.vn)

Concluding the meeting, reviewing the results achieved in DT, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh praised the efforts and results achieved by ministries, sectors and localities; the drastic direction of members of the National Committee for DT; consensus, support, and active participation of people and businesses.

In the coming time, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requests all levels, sectors, localities, and businesses, especially ministers, industry heads, and Chairpersons of People's Committees at all levels to have greater determination and more drastic direction in implementing DT, in the spirit of "3 strengthen" and "5 step up."

In particular, it would be necessary to increase awareness of the role of DT at all levels, sectors, people, businesses, especially leaders; strengthen the potential of DT, considering this a key task requiring priority in resource allocation; strengthen public-private cooperation, take public investment to lead investment, and activate all social resources for DT.

Along with that, focus on promoting institutional improvement, creating a full legal corridor to promote national DT and develop the digital economy. Promote the development of digital infrastructure and digital platforms to create an important premise for digital economic development. Promote the creation of digital data, develop digital services, ensure connection, connectivity, and sharing continuously, smoothly, and synchronously. Promote the development of digital human resources and digital skills to meet socio-economic development requirements. Promote the development of network security and information safety to protect national cyberspace sovereignty early and remotely.

On that basis, the Prime Minister requested to prioritize resources, ensuring the completion of assigned tasks in the National DT Program and 3 strategies on developing digital government, digital economy and digital society; digital data development.

The Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Information and Communications to soon complete and submit to the Prime Minister to promulgate the Strategy for Development of Vietnam's semiconductor industry until 2030; the Ministry of Planning and Investment submit to the Prime Minister to promulgate the "Develop human resources in the semiconductor industry to 2030, with a vision to 2045" project.

Deploy solutions synchronously and effectively so that the United Nations e-Government development index would increase by at least 5 places and the cybersecurity index would be among the top 30 countries. Strictly implement the directions of the Government, the Prime Minister, the 2024 Work Plan of the National Committee for DT and the tasks in Project 06. Ministries and sectors shall urgently organize thematic meetings digitize industries and fields under management.

Localities shall closely coordinate with telecommunications businesses to eliminate "depressed areas" of mobile signals in villages with access to the national grid to be completed before December 2024; continue to improve the quality of mobile broadband networks. Along with that, remove difficulties and obstacles and complete the implementation of 12/53 remaining essential public services according to Decision 06/QD-TTg. At the same time, urgently conduct a general review and assessment of the assurance of network information security and network security, etc.

The Prime Minister believed that with the participation of the entire political system and the response of the people and business community, the country's digital economy would have strong development, truly an important driving force to promote rapid and sustainable socio-economic development, successfully complete the goals and tasks set by the 13th Party Congress.

Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Mai Son praises the efforts of the entire political system of Bac Giang province in DT and developing the digital economy.

Speaking after the online meeting, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Mai Son praised the efforts of the entire political system of Bac Giang province in implementing DT and developing the digital economy, especially agencies directly performing tasks such as: Department of Information and Communications, Provincial Police, provincial departments and sectors.

He said that Bac Giang was a locality strongly implementing decentralization DT investment projects. Therefore, he requested departments and sectors to strictly manage capital resources, ensure proper implementation of regulations and processes, and avoid violations in DT investment.

He emphasized that the current work of building digital infrastructure still faced many difficulties, especially in the construction and installation of receiving and broadcasting stations. He requested newspaper and radio agencies to coordinate with the Department of Information and Communications to strengthen propaganda and clarify the meaning and socio-economic benefits of the installation and widespread coverage throughout the province; from there, creating unity of awareness and consensus on policies among the People on building and installing digital infrastructure.

He requested the Department of Information and Communications to coordinate with units to soon build and complete software to support the management of socio-economic development, clearly displaying socio-economic development indicators and State management in the province, helping provincial leaders to monitor and update promptly to provide close direction, ensuring the achievement of set goals.

He assigned the Provincial People's Committee Office to direct departments, sectors and localities in the province to report and explain the status of late documents on the administrative procedure resolution system; clarify the causes and responsibilities of individuals and groups and take corrective measures soon.

At the same time, he requested the Department of Education and Training and the Provincial Youth Union to continue promoting propaganda about DT to a large number of union members, youth, pupils and students in the province. It was recommended that sectors and localities actively participate to be determined to strive to maintain Bac Giang province's ranking in the group of 10 leading provinces and cities in the country in the DT index./.